First you need to get into safe mode with networking. To make that happen shut down the computer. Then turn on the power while tapping the F8 key about once a second. You should get a black screen with white options.
Use the up and down arrow keys to hight "Safe Mode with networking", hit Enter. Go through until you get to the Windows desktop
Click start button, Run, there should be a past file listed for iexplore.exe
Click on itor type in Run blank "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" , without the "" and hit return
You should now have internet explorer web browser open.
Type in, hit enter
For reference Detail instuctions
Each of links below will download a file with the file extension .mik. Save them to the decktop and change the file extension to .exe. Windows may warn you about changing the file extension, but just hit OK
rkill.mik This should stop the virus running on the customer so you can run the other programs below
tdsskiller.mik This shoud stop the Google redirect
mbam.mik Loading and running this scan see detail instructions for process. This should remove the virus. Scann will take over an hour
unhide.mik this should unhide any files the virus hide
After running all of these in Safe Mode with Networking, restart the computer. If the virus can be removed by programs, it should be gone now...if not it will take more manual intervention or I will have to buy a removal tool
let me know, what happens